Foi este selo que deu a conhecer ao mundo grupos tão distintos como os Joy Division, Qundo Quango ou Happy Mondays.
O maior impulsionador da editora foi Tony Wilson, grande entusiasta do movimento punk, e que por essa altura realizava um programa de televisão por onde passavam as mais importantes bandas do momento.
Tony convida então para se juntarem a esta aventura, Peter Saville e Alan Erasmus. Estava criada a Factory Records, que se estreia em 78 com um EP duplo onde aparecem faixas de Cabaret Voltaire, Durutti Column, John Dowie e Joy Division.
Criada, por amor à musica e sem pensar no lucro, a Factory começou por ser uma aventura vivida entre amigos, onde não havia contratos assinados, mas tão somente boa musica para mostrar ao mundo.
De tal maneira este amor à musica e à arte era levado a peito, que o tão aclamado, e mais vendido de sempre, maxi-single, editado em 1983, com a faixa Blue Monday dos New Order, deu prejuízo à casa, por causa da sua capa tão arrojada. A arte era posta acima do lucro fácil.
Começando por estar ligada a bandas mais cinzentas, de onde se destacam os Joy Division, Durutti Column ou até OMD, a editora aos poucos e poucos foi expandindo o seu leque de cores, ao editar grupos como Happy Mondays, tendo sido considerada peça chave na revolução music.
Em 1992 a editora declarava falência, morrendo assim um selo, que tendo por base o lema "faça você mesmo", sempre privilegiou a música.
Tony Wilson falecido em 2007, teve apenas uma grande tristeza, enquanto editor musical, não ter publicado nenhum disco dos The Smits, banda oriunda igualmente de Manchester.
Para quem desejar conhecer mais alguns detalhes sobre a editora e a cena de Manchester aconselhamos o visionamento do excelente filme "24 Hours Party People" de Michael Winterbotton.
Lançamentos mais importantes:
Various Artists - A Factory Sample - Double 7" EP
A Certain Ratio - All Night Party - 7"
OMD - Electricity - 7"
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures - LP/CS/CD
Joy Division - Transmission - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - The Return Of - LP
Martin Hannett - Test Card - Flexi-single
A Certain Ratio - The Graveyard And The Ballroom - CASSETTE
Section 25 - Girls Don't Count - 7"/12"
John Dowie - Hard To Be An Egg - 7"
A Certain Ratio -Flight - 12"
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart - 7"/12"
Various Artists - A Factory Quartet - Double LP
Joy Division - Closer - LP/CS/CD
Joy Division - Komakino - 7" Flexi
New Order - Ceremony - 7"/12"
E.S.G. - You're No Good - 7"
Joy Division - Still - 2xLP/CS - CD
A Certain Ratio - The Double 12" - 2x12"
Royal Family & The Poor - Art Dream Domination - 12"
Durutti Column - LC - LP/CS/CD
Section 25 - Always Now - LP/CS
New Order - Movement - LP/CS/CD
New Order - Merry Xmas From The Hacienda - Flexi
A Certain ratio - Waterline - 12"
New Order - Everything's Gone Green - 7"
A Certain ratio - Sextet - LP
Various Artists - A Factory Video - VIDEO
52nd Street - Look Into My Eyes - 7"/12"
A Certain Ratio - Knife Slits Water - 7"/12"
New Order - Temptation - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - I Get Along Without You Very Well - 7"
A Certain Ratio - I'd Like To See You Again - LP
Section 25 - The Beast - 12"
Quando Quango - Tingle - 12"
Section 25 - Back To Wonder - 7"
Various Artists - A Factory Outing - VIDEO
A Certain Ratio - I Need Someone Tonight - 7"/12"
New Order - Blue Monday - 7"/12"
New Order - Blue Monday (Qwest Mix) - 7"/12"/CDS/CDV
Durutti Column - Another Setting - LP/CS/CD
New Order - Power, Corruption And Lies - LP/CS/CD
James - Folklore - 7"
Quando Quango - Love Tempo - 12"
Cabaret Voltaire - Yashar - 12"
Durutti Column - Without Mercy - LP/CS/CD
Section 25 - From The Hip - LP/CS
New Order - Confusion - 7"/12"
Royal Family & The Poor - Phase 1 - LP
Streetlife - Act On Instinct - 12"
New Order - Low Life - LP/CS/CD
Quando Quango - Atom Rock - 7"/12"
New Order - Thieves Like Us - 7"/12"
Life - Tell Me - 7"
Section 25 - Looking From The Hilltop - 12"
Quando Quango - Pigs And Battleship - LP/CS
A Certain Ratio - Life's Scream - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - Say What You Mean - 12"
52nd Street - Can't Afford To Let You Go - 7"/12"
James - Hymn From The Village - 7"
Life - Optimism - 7"
New Order - Perfect Kiss - 7"/12"
Bessy Talks Turkey - Various - VIDEO
A Certain Ratio - Wild Party - 7"/12"/CS
Happy Mondays - Delightful - 12"
Section 25 - Crazy Dancing (Unreleased) - 7"/12"
New Order - Sub Culture - 7"/12"
A Certain Ratio - The Old And The New - LP/CS
Quando Quango - Genius - 7"/12"
Short Video - Various - VIDEO
James - Village Fire - 12"
Royal Family & The Poor - We Love The Moon - 7"
Royal Family & The Poor - We Love The Moon - LP
Happy Mondays - Freaky Dancing - 12"
New Order - Shellshock - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - Domo Arigato - LP/CD/VIDEO
New Order - Brotherhood - LP/CS/CD
New Order - State Of The Nation - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - Circuses And Bread - CD - Quando Quango
Section 25 - Bad News Week - 12"
Anna Domino - Summer - 7"/12"
Section 25 - Love And Hate - LP
New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - Valuable Passages - LP/CS/CD
Anna Domino - Anna Domino - CD
A Certain Ratio - Force - LP/CS/CD
A Certain ratio - Mickey Way - 12"
Happy Monday - Squirrel And G-Man - LP/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - Tart Tart - 12"
Various - Salvation Singles - 7"/12"
New Order - True Faith - 7"/12"/CDV
New Order - True Faith Remix - 12"
Durutti Column - The City Of Our Lady - 12"
G-Mex - Compilation - LP
Wim Mertens - Educes Me - LP/CS
Happy Mondays - 24 Hour Party People - 7"/12"
New Order - Touched By The Hand Of God - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - When The World - CDS/CDV/VIDEO
Wim Mertens - Belly Of An Architect - LP
New Order - Substance - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Durutti Column - Guitar and Other Machines - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Happy Mondays - Wrote For Luck - 7"/12"/CDS
Joy Division - Atmosphere - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - Flexi For - Flexi
Happy Mondays - Bummed - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Happy Mondays - Lazyitis, Mad Cyril - 7"/12"/CDS
New Order - Fine Time - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - The Early Years Japonica - 4XCD
Revenge - One True Passion - LP/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - WFL - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - Live At Womad 88 - CDS
Happy Mondays - Madchester - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - Viny Reilly - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Revenge - Seven Reason - 7"/12"/CDS
Joy Division - Substance - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Getting Away With It - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
Happy Mondays - Hallelujah - 12"/CS/CDS
New Order - Round And Round - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - Guitar Two:
Revenge - Pineapple face - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
Happy Mondays - Step On - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
New Order - Run - 7"/12"
Durutti Column - Obey The Time - LP/CS/CD/DAT
New Order - Technique - LP/CS/CD/DAT
Revenge - Slave - 7"/12"/CDS
Durutti Column - The Together Mix - 12"/CDS
Electronic - Get The Message - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
Electronic - Electronic - LP/CS/CD
England/New Order - World In Motion - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro - 7"/12"/CS/CDS
Various - Palatine - 12"/CDS
Happy Mondays - Loose Fit
Palatine Volume 1: Tears In Their Eyes
Happy Mondays - Pills, Thrills and Bellyaches - LP/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - Live - LP/CS/CD
Palatine Volume 2: Life's A Beach
Various - Martin - LP/CS/CD
Revenge - Gun World Porn EP - 12"/CD
Electronic - Feel Every Beat - 7"/12"/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - Judge Fudge - 7"/12"/CS/CD
Palatine Volume 3: The Beat Groups
Happy Mondays - Stinkin Thinkin - 7"/12"/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - Sunshine & Love - 7"/12"/CS/CD
Various - Palatine - LP/CS/CD
Happy Mondays - Yes Please - LP/CS/CD
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